About Us

In 2016, ESJ started as a digital fashion journal with the goal of making it easy for people to connect with and support ethical and sustainable fashion brands. Today, we are a print magazine and digital platform exploring all the nuances of sustainability in fashion and beyond. We’re steadily expanding the conversations, challenging sustainability narratives, and connecting you to the stories that matter. We invite you to help us shape a fashion industry (and a society) that is as much about awareness, accountability, and action as it is about style.


A note from our founder & editor-in-chief:

I’ve wanted to change directions for ESJ for a long time; moving from what sometimes felt like a narrow approach to talking sustainability in fashion, to embracing storytelling through visuals and texts that challenge the limitations placed on sustainability.

I’m working on a range of projects that explore the many forms sustainability can take, and I’m inviting you to continue on this journey with us. I have enjoyed watching ESJ expand over the past seven years, and my belief is that the reach of the impact will also continue to expand as long as we can keep this community truly engaged.
